Privacy Policy


The section below includes information about the way we will process your personal data.

Data controller

BELTRAMI LINEN srl (registered address: Vicolo degli Alpini 5, 24020 Cene (BG), Italy).

Why we process your data

Your personal data will be collected and used:

  • To pursue BELTRAMI LINEN srl’s legitimate interest in improving your browsing experience on this website with regard to the following purpose:
  1. Processing of the browsing data needed to enable a better browsing experience on this website and to monitor the website’s correct operation and performance;
  • To deliver the service/product requested and comply with all the legal obligations with regard to the following purposes:
  1. Answering queries submitted via the website’s contact form;
  2. Creating and managing accounts;
  3. Acquiring any information needed to deliver the service/product requested (e.g.: information needed for a correct estimate of shipping fees);
  4. Managing the delivery of the service/product requested, as well as managing billings and payments;
  5. Sending notices relating to orders and shipping (e.g.: order confirmation emails, shipping confirmation emails, etc.);
  6. Complying with legal, accounting and tax obligations, as well as with any regulations our company is required to follow;
  7. Managing support requests;
  8. Measuring customer satisfaction (e.g.: requests for feedback and/or reviews).
  • Only with your prior consent, for the following purposes:
  1. Sending marketing and promotional communications about the products/services provided by our company (e.g.: via newsletter, email, WhatsApp, etc.);
  • To pursue BELTRAMI LINEN srl’s legitimate interest in updating our clients about the latest products/services provided by the company, with regard to the following purpose:
  1. Sending marketing communications about products and services similar to those you already used; you may opt out of these communications at any time.

Option to share your data with us

Your data are necessary to fulfil the purposes listed in points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. & 9. ; therefore, if you choose to opt out of sharing your data, we will be unable to ensure delivery of the products/services requested.

Sharing your data is optional for the purposes listed in points 10. & 11.  : You may freely choose to opt out of sharing your data with us, or to forbid us from using your data: this will not prevent us from delivering the service requested.

How we process your data

The security of your data is guaranteed through appropriate organizational and technical measures.

We guarantee that we do not use automated decision-making processes while processing your data.

How long we retain your data for

Your data will be retained for the period of time indicated below:

  • Browsing data: 7 days
  • Personal data provided via a contact form: 2 years
  • Purchasing data: 10 years from product/service delivery
  • Data collected for marketing purposes: 2 years, or until consent is withdrawn

Which data will be used

We will use the following types of data:

  • Data provided voluntarily by the user

Personal data collected through the registration and/or order request forms available on this website (e.g.: name, surname, address, email, payment information, etc.).

  • Data provided by newsletter sign-up

Personal data and email addresses voluntarily provided by signing up to our newsletter; such data will be used to send emails with informative material about the products/services provided by BELTRAMI LINEN srl.

  • Browsing data

Browsing data not provided directly by the user, automatically acquired as a result of the use of Internet communication protocols (e.g.: webpage visits, time of the request, session Ids, IP addresses, URLs, etc.). Such data enables us to identify your journey through this website.
Please refer to our cookie policy to see how you can manage your cookie settings and to learn more about the cookies we use and the reasons why use them.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated and/or modified over time, for instance to comply with new industry regulations, or due to the introduction of new and/or updated services, or to adapt to new technological innovations. Therefore, we suggest that you periodically visit this page to verify its contents.

To whom your personal data is communicated

Your data may be communicated to the parties indicated below:

  • Collaborators and employees of the Data controller, professional firms, advisors, IT service providers, as well as other third parties external to our company, duly selected and trained;
  • Public bodies and authorities;
  • Credit and financial institutions, insurance companies.

Some of the above-mentioned parties may be appointed as Data supervisors; the complete list of such appointments is available at the registered address of the Data controller.

What are your rights

You can exercise at any time your right to access, amend, withdraw and/or limit the processing of your data; furthermore, you can withdraw your consent as regards point 10.

To exercise your rights, please contact us at:

– Address: BELTRAMI LINEN srl, Vicolo degli Alpini 5, 24020 Cene (BG), Italy.

– Phone: +39 035 716320;

– Email: [email protected];

– Certified Email: [email protected].

You also have a right to appeal to the Italian Data Protection Authority (


Cene (Italy). Last update: 27 May 2024.